David A. Burke Foundation
The David A. Burke Foundation was established in 2018 to continue the philanthropic legacy that “Burkie” led throughout his lifetime. Dave served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for The Breakers Palm Beach for 27 years. Dave served on many advisory roles, including the Vice Chairman of the Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council, Ambassador to the Honda Classic Golf Tournament, President of Florida Restaurant Lodging Association, Executive Committee member of the Boca Raton Bowl and also on the executive board for Discover the Palm Beaches. On his 50th birthday, Dave donated a scholarship to his alma mater, Florida International University Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management. The David A. Burke Foundation has continued this scholarship in his honor and also supports other charities in the South Florida area that was near and dear to Dave’s heart. Dave was an icon in the hospitality industry in South Florida, and the contributions that he made to his alma mater, community, and the lives of many will be continued through this foundation. He will forever be cherished for his contributions and generosity to the South Florida Community. His larger than life personality and philanthropic lifestyle is carried on by his loving wife, Amy, two boys, Ryan and Matthew, and The David A. Burke Foundation.