Pamela Silva '03, MBA '12
Six-time Emmy award winning journalist, Pamela Silva, is co-anchor of the Univision Network’s weekday newsmagazine “Primer Impacto” (First Impact), one of the highest-rated programs in the United States and in 12 Latin American countries. Since joining the show in 2011, she has covered major national and international news stories. She was the first network news anchor to arrive and report live on the scene of the terrorist attack at the Boston marathon. Silva is also co-anchor of Univision Network’s health show “Cita con tu Salud” (Appointment with your Health).
In 2013 she was recognized by “People en Español” as one of the 25 most powerful Hispanic women, and earlier in the year was included in the magazine’s “50 Mas Bellos” (“50 Most Beautiful”) edition.
As part of the Univision News team, prior to “Primer Impacto” she was the national correspondent for Univision’s primetime investigative newsmagazine “Aquí y Ahora” (Here and Now), previously to that, Silva anchored the leading Spanish-language morning newscast in South Florida for the Univision Miami local affiliates. She has also guest-hosted ABC’s “The View”.
A celebrated journalist, in 2006 Silva won her first Emmy award for on-camera work, and in 2007 she received three additional Emmy awards in the writing, news feature and human interest story categories. Two more Emmys followed: in 2009, for a feature story on Facebook, and in 2010, for a news feature. In addition, she has been recognized as Alumni of the Year by the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Florida International University and later also received the prestigious Florida International University Medallion for Outstanding Alumna.
She recently established the “Pamela Silva Scholarship” benefitting first-generation, low-income college students. She is a member of the board of directors of “Amigos for Kids”, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect, and is a national volunteer and spokesperson for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where she is also a member of its ALSAC Leadership Council.
Silva graduated with honors from Florida International University with a degree in Broadcast Journalism, and subsequently went on to acquire a graduate certificate in Bilingual Communications from St. Thomas University. In 2012 she received a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Florida International University.