Undergraduate Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program
Undergraduate Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program
The McNair Scholars Program is a Federal TRIO program designed to prepare first-generation undergraduate students for doctoral studies. The Program supports students from historically underrepresented groups who have a documented financial need and major in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, or Psychology. McNair Scholars engage in courses, seminars, and workshops related to graduate school preparation and professional development. Scholars are also compensated as they conduct summer research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students then have the opportunity to present their research at local, regional, or national conferences. The McNair Program staff works closely with students as they complete their undergraduate requirements and graduate school applications.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants qualify to apply to the McNair Program if they
- Intend to pursue a Ph.D. (professional degrees such as an MD, JD, MBA, PharmD, etc. are not eligible)
- Are US citizen or US permanent resident
- Are rising juniors or rising seniors by Summer 2024 term and have completed a minimum 60 credits of undergraduate courses by the time of the start of their Summer Research Project/Internship.
- Major in a Science, Technology, Engineering, Psychology, or Math (STEM) degree program. STEM Minors considered with STEM-based research.
- Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale)
- Be either low income* (based on family size and taxable income) and first-generation college students (neither parent or legal guardian has a Bachelor’s degree)
a member of a group traditionally under-represented in higher education (e.g., Black/African- American, Latinx/Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander, or student with a disability).
*To find out the low-income guidelines established by the Department of Education go to: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/trio/incomelevels.html
Program Benefits
- A summer stipend for Research Project/Internship
- Opportunity to conduct research under the supervision of FIU Faculty mentor or at an external REU
- Funding for materials and supplies for research project/ internship (where applicable)
- Travel funding to McNair and discipline-specific conferences across the country
- Academic, personal, and career counseling
- Graduate school preparatory workshops and seminars
- Free GRE preparation
- GRE Fee Waiver (where applicable)
- Graduate School Application Fee Waivers (where applicable)
Application Requirements:
- Brief essay (1000 words or less) describing your interest in becoming a McNair Fellow and how it will assist you with the goal of obtaining a PhD.
- Research abstract (150 word max) describing the objectives and the hypothesized outcomes of the proposed study. Please include the title and the name of your faculty advisor/mentor (if available)
- A copy of unofficial transcripts from Florida International University and other schools attended
- A copy of your Free Application for Student Aid (FASFA)
- A copy of your parent’s income tax return, if applicable
- A copy of your income tax return, if applicable
- Complete response to supplemental questions in AcademicWorks
- Two letters of Recommendation from faculty submitted in the AcademicWorks system. Recommendation Request for the McNair Program will only go out to your recommender once you fully submit your application.
Priority will be given to early applicants
- Award
- Varies
- Scopes
- McNair Program
- Deadline
- 03/21/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- Identity
- How would you describe your Ethnic Background?
- How would you describe your race?
- Please list your pronouns
- Undergraduate Education
- Have you recieved a bachelors degree?
- If yes, are you pursuing a second undergraduate major?
- What is your expected graduation date? ( Month, Year)
- Graduate Studies
- If you intend to apply to graduate school, what is your expected date of matriculation (start date)? (Month, Year)
- What is your proposed field of graduate study?
- Upload a brief essay (1000 words or less) that includes: Your motivation for becoming a McNair Fellow, why you should be selected, your academic and career interests, how will becoming a McNair fellow assist you with your interest & goals, why you think obtaining a Ph.D. is essential to your interest and what you hope to contribute to society by obtaining a Ph.D. (All documents should be submitted as PDF)
- Upload a Research Abstract. This should include an overview of the research topic and the name of your faculty advisor/mentor. Please also include objectives of the study, proposed methodology, and the hypothesized outcomes of the study. (150 word max) (All documents should be submitted as PDF)
- Would you be interested in gaining more information about an out-of-state summer research experience? ( If you select "Yes" we will reach out, on your behalf, to partnering Universities from across the country to offer you an outside research experience)
- Do you have previous research experience (not a requirement). If yes, please list the name of the faculty and the lab, in which you conducted the research
- Have you identified a mentor for the McNair summer research project? If you are a rising junior and choose No, the McNair program will assist you with identifying faculty mentor
- Please enter the name and e-mail of your mentor.
- Please enter the name and e-mail of your mentor.
- Please request two letters of recommendation for the McNair Program. Note- Recommendation requests will only go out to your recommender when you fully submit your application.
- Recommendation Letter 1.
- Recommendation letter 2.
- First-Generation College Student
- Are you considered to be a first-generation college student? Note- First Generation is defined as an individual whose parents did not complete a baccalaureate degree.
- What is your Father's highest college degree earned?
- What is your Legal Guardian(s) highest degree earned?
- What is your Mother's highest college degree earned?
- Upload a copy of your Free Application for Student Aid (FASFA). (All documents should be submitted as PDF)
- Upload a copy of your parent's income tax return, if applicable. (All documents should be submitted as PDF)
- Upload a copy of your income tax return, if applicable. (All documents should be submitted as PDF)
- With regard to financial aid, are you dependent or independent? Dependency status is determined as: https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa/filling-out/dependency
- Financial Aid Section A (dependent) (Must Attach Parent's/Legal Guardian's Last Year's Tax Return)
- Did your parents file a federal income tax return for the previous year?
- If yes, what was your parent's previous year taxable income?
- What is the size of your parent's household, including yourself and/or spouse, and/or dependents?
- Financial Aid Section B (independent) (Must Attach Your Last Year's Tax Return)
- Did you file a federal tax return for the previous year?
- If yes, what was your previous year's taxable income?
- What is the size of your household, including yourself, and/or spouse, and/or other dependents?
- Upload a copy of your unofficial transcripts from Florida International University. (All documents should be submitted as PDF)
- Upload unofficial transcripts from Colleges/Universities that were attended prior to attending FIU (All documents should be submitted as PDF)
- Show 14 more
- Identity