Stempel Travel Scholarship

The Stempel Travel Scholarship provides support to graduate students in FIU Stempel College to attend virtual conferences, scientific meetings or workshops to present papers, posters or for their participation in professional development workshops. Graduate students (master’s or PhD) in the College’s four programs, dietetics and nutrition, public health, social work and disaster management, may apply. Awards will be based on the quality of the paper or poster, the applicant’s response to the questionnaire on academic works, the faculty member’s letter of support, quality of the scientific conference or meeting/workshop, and adequate progress by the candidate toward completion of the degree.

A total of 5 Stempel Travel scholarships will be awarded in the summer semester. The amount of $750 will be awarded if the event requires travel and $500 will be awarded if the event is held virtually.

• Must be a graduate student in the college (master’s or PhD)
• Applicant must have submitted an abstract; have had an abstract accepted for presentation at a conference or meeting; or must have applied and been accepted to attend a workshop for professional development.
• Students who are presenting can only apply if the abstract has been accepted.
• Stempel College graduate students are eligible to apply for up to one travel award per academic year.
• Priority will be given to students who are traveling in the semester in which the award is disbursed.

Application materials:

Applicant Statement
The application must include a statement from you that includes the following: statement of professional purpose; research interests and goals for a career in your academic discipline; how the conference or meeting fits in the scope of your presentation; description of the research that you will be presenting and the contribution of the research to your discipline; your contribution to the research and writing of the paper or poster; relevance of the abstract/presentation/workshop and how it aligns with your professional goals; how the funding will help you achieve those goals.

For professional development, include a statement of professional purpose; research interests and goals for a career in your academic discipline; relevance of the professional development event and how it aligns with your professional goals; what you will be doing at the event and what skills you will gain or learn that relate to your field; how the funding will help you achieve those goals. We highly recommend including an agenda for the event.

Submission or Acceptance Notification
The application must include a copy of the paper or poster to be presented.
The application must include a copy of the letter or email regarding acceptance of the manuscript/abstract or poster for presentation.
If you are attending a professional development event, please include a copy of the registration and/or email confirmation that you registered.

Faculty Letter of Support
The application must include a letter of support from a member of College’s faculty familiar with your work. The faculty member’s letter must detail your progress toward completing the degree, an evaluation of the quality of the paper or poster to be presented, your role in the research and development of the paper or poster presentation, and the relevance of the workshop or presentation as it aligns with your professional enhancement.

Post-Award Process
• Students must submit an appropriate photo to include with application. No selfies, please.
• Student must provide name of faculty advisor/mentor.
• Brief bio, notable achievements, etc.
• Thank you note to the donor will be appreciated.

$500 or $750
Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a graduate student in Dietetics & Nutrition, Public Health, Social Work or Disaster Management?
  2. When did you begin your graduate program?
  3. Include a statement that addresses the following: statement of professional purpose; research interests and goals for a career in your academic discipline; how the conference or meeting fits in the scope of your presentation; description of the research that you will be presenting and the contribution of the research to your discipline; your contribution to the research and writing of the paper or poster; relevance of the abstract/presentation/workshop and how it aligns with your professional goals; how the funding will help you achieve those goals. For professional development, include a statement of professional purpose; research interests and goals for a career in your academic discipline; relevance of the professional development event and how it aligns with your professional goals; how the funding will help you achieve those goals. Note: Upload document as PDF and name file as "Last name_statement". It is recommended that you use subheadings to include the required information.
  4. Include a copy of the paper or poster to be presented. If you are attending a professional development event, please include a copy of the registration and/or email confirmation that you registered. Note: Upload document as PDF and name file as "Last name_paper or poster."
  5. Include a copy of the letter or email regarding acceptance of the manuscript/abstract or poster for presentation. If you are attending a professional development event, please include a copy of the registration and/or email confirmation that you registered. Note: Upload document as PDF and name file as "Last name_email".
  6. Please enter the name and email address of a reference provider
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